Random Thoughts II
Well, about a week ago your sister Jeannie was wearing a Dirty Dancing tee that I loved. We got into it and then she asks "wait, did Patrick Swayze die?"..."he died a while ago, a couple of years now" I replied in my "where-you-been" tone. So, I ask, what are the odds that you and your boo had the same exact conversation? I mean it isn't just the random topic of Swayze, (which is also odd because he died in September of 2009, so it isn't his anniversary in where maybe you read something about him in the paper, online and you were exposed to this.) What I find more perplexing is the tone and direction of the conversation. Jeannie seemed unsure about whether he died and it seemed you were too (although you are bringing it up so subconsciously you actually already knew that. ) I was strong in my deliverance of "yeah a while ago" as was he in his "he been died", we both reacted as if you should know this. Its almost as if there was a transfer of thoughts and emotions. Interesting that you would post this on the blog. What compelled you to do that?
And to top it off you ask "Why do these thoughts pop into our heads?"
Is it possible that at times we get random thoughts that come into our heads because we are tapping into some sort of higher consciousness? I'm not saying all thoughts, just some, maybe more than we think. Could it be that you and your sister share a bond so strong that binds you? I mean I admit that the topic of Patrick Swayze is pretty random but that only reinforces what I am saying. I think that it is just to show that these things do occur and are real. I find it funny that this happens just as we start this blog JKLM Collective. We are collectively coming together in more ways than we know. There are so many coincidences that occur to us on a daily basis and it is easy to brush it off and forget , however, some have more meaning than others. I don't mean to blow this out of proportion because I believe that synchronocity many times occurs just to prove a quick point. I would say that you and her are able to tap into each other on a higher level. Case in point: sometimes "random, weird, useless" thoughts are no so pointless.
These are my thoughts. -KM
Kasia, you are not blowing it out of proportion, as a matter of fact, i spoke to my sister about this and she told me about your conversation, and I said EXACTLY what you stated in regards to "so many coincidences that occur to us on a daily basis and it is easy to brush it off and forget", so imagine if we were to voice it or "blog" it more often..especially those thoughts that we may think are strange, embarassing, those are the ones you'd be surprised to find so many people have in common..I decided to write about this because besides searching for ways to broadcast our blog to get more followers, (which by the way I told Jeannie and Mari, we are supposed to write everyday actually), I just felt like whats real and interesting are those everyday things, as you mentioned, the little things and thoughts, thats what peeks interest, thats what makes us relateable, and I thought actually that it would make you laugh. -LR

Kasia, you are not blowing it out of proportion, as a matter of fact, i spoke to my sister about this and she told me about your conversation, and I said EXACTLY what you stated in regards to "so many coincidences that occur to us on a daily basis and it is easy to brush it off and forget", so imagine if we were to voice it or "blog" it more often..especially those thoughts that we may think are strange, embarassing, those are the ones you'd be surprised to find so many people have in common..I decided to write about this because besides searching for ways to broadcast our blog to get more followers, (which by the way I told Jeannie and Mari, we are supposed to write everyday actually), I just felt like whats real and interesting are those everyday things, as you mentioned, the little things and thoughts, thats what peeks interest, thats what makes us relateable, and I thought actually that it would make you laugh. -LR
Collective thoughts float around like clouds passing through a sky called our brain. Indeed I did have that exact "Patrick Swayze" conversation with Kasia in the exact same way you and Dwayne related to each other and the fact that it occurred to you so randomly makes it feel like more then just a coincidence. On top of that a compelling force insisted that you blog about something so random to you among the many other random thoughts you probably have every day and then you happen to question this random thought as well as feel the need to open up a discussion about it. This search for an answer to your question is what makes this situation so compelling to me. A collective situation portrayed on a collective site. Proof that the collective unconscious does exist. I found the following excerpt by Robert Kenny to be interesting, especially what they point out about groups.............................
"A fundamental psi phenomenon is extrasensory perception or influence, perhaps made possible by the apparent ability of consciousness to operate beyond the constraints of space and time. Examples include telepathy and remote viewing. The existence of psi (or tele-prehension, as Ken Wilber calls it) has been convincingly demonstrated in numerous scientific studies carried out by Marilyn Schlitz, Dean Radin, and others. In typical remote viewing experiments, for example, one individual is sent to a distant, undisclosed location while another individual, who remains in the lab, attempts to “remotely view” and describe that distant location in detail. Across a large number of experiments, remote viewers have been able to describe another's surroundings with a statistically significant degree of accuracy. Intriguingly, pairs who had an emotional bond have obtained the strongest results. These findings suggest that groups whose members build a sense of connection and trust with each other may have an increased capacity to access and understand each other's perspectives, to “see through each other's eyes.”......................................
"Bonded pairs—couples in a relationship—produced effects that were six times stronger than individuals. Like the remote viewing experiments, these results indicate that people with an emotional connection, when acting in concert, are more influential than individuals acting alone.
Perhaps not surprisingly, groups produce far stronger RNG results than either individuals or couples, even when the group members are unaware of the RNGs and therefore cannot intend to influence their output." JS
"Bonded pairs—couples in a relationship—produced effects that were six times stronger than individuals. Like the remote viewing experiments, these results indicate that people with an emotional connection, when acting in concert, are more influential than individuals acting alone.
Perhaps not surprisingly, groups produce far stronger RNG results than either individuals or couples, even when the group members are unaware of the RNGs and therefore cannot intend to influence their output." JS
Haha, random thoughts. Love them! :)SArahD